80+ Screen-Free Summer Activities for Kids

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Are you trying to find activities for your kids so they don’t waste their summer away watching TV? Once the TV is on, it can be hard to get your kids to unplug from their favorite shows. A day can quickly go by with nothing being accomplished. Although an occasional TV day is ok, spending the entire summer this way isn’t good for your kids. That’s why I’ve come up with a list of screen-free summer activities for kids of all ages. Are you trying to find activities for your kids so they don’t waste their summer away watching TV? Once the TV is on, it can be hard to get your kids to unplug from their favorite shows. A day can quickly go by with nothing being accomplished. I’ve compiled a list of more than 80 screen-free summer activities for kids of all ages. | embarkonthejourney.com

Screen Free Summer Activities for Kids

Screen-Free Activities for Artistic Kids
Instead of watching TV this summer, break out the markers and crayons. Your kids will enjoy drawing pictures of their favorite things. If you have older kids, you can even have them write a short story to go along with their pictures. You can even shake things up by writing down short story or picture ideas on paper and have them draw an idea out of a hat. Here are some other screen-free activities for artistic kids: 
Screen-Free Activities for Crafty Kids
If art isn’t their thing, give your kids the opportunity to get crafty this summer. This could be anything that they’re interested in from tie-dying shirts to making rubber band bracelets. Here are some other screen-free activities for crafty kids: 
Screen-Free Activities for Outdoorsy Kids
Turn the TV off and get some fresh air this summer. It’s not good for kids to be cooped up inside all summer long. The good weather won’t last. Take advantage of it while you can. Go on a walk in the woods or take a trip to the park. You can even go outside at night and stargaze together. Here are some other screen-free activities for outdoorsy kids: 
Sea Life Notebook Pages | Harrington Harmonies
Screen-Free Activities for Imaginative Kids
If it’s a rainy day, use your extra sheets or couch cushions to build a fort. If you build it in the playroom or in an area you don’t use a lot, you can keep it there as a reading area. If the weather is nice, go outside and build the fort in your backyard! Your kids will love getting creative as they design their fort and search for materials to use. Here are some other screen-free activities for imaginative kids: 
  •  Build with LEGO blocks.
  • Explore stop motion animation.
  • Play dress up.
  • Make superhero stick puppets and use them to tell stories. 
  • Create a fairy garden.
  • Make a small world zoo from things you have lying around the house. 
  • Build an obstacle course and have a race.
  • What can you make with a cardboard box? 
  • Make sculptures with toothpicks and marshmallows.
  • Build a DIY cardboard car wash
  • Make sock puppets.
  • Have a tea party.
  • Create a town with cars and action figures. 
Screen-Free Activities for Brainy Kids
Summer time is prime time for kids to explore things that they are interested in. It’s a great time for them to dive into things they’ve always wondered about. Just this week, my nephew and I researched why there are big orange balls on some of the electric wires along the interstate. We also had a great discussion about bears and hibernation. Here are some fun screen-free activities for imaginative kids:
Your turn: 
What activities do you have your kids do during the summer? How do you get them to unplug?

The above article is written by Tara Mitchell and the webpage is sourced from : http://embarkonthejourney.com/screen-free-summer-activities-for-kids/


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